Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně

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Faculty of Multimedia Communications


Faculty: Faculty of Multimedia Communications Programme: Multimedia Specialization: Photography Mode: Full time Type: Bachelor's Language: Czech

This programme is taught in Czech only

Tuition is practically and theoretically planned to prepare students for the career of an independent professional photographer. The aim of the course is to master both black-and-white and color photography in both commonly available classical materials, the negative / positive process, photography on inverse materials, as well as scanning and processing of digital photography. Students gradually learn about various genres in photography: small object photography, photographic report, documentary, staged photography, photography of architecture, landscape, portrait, fashion. they are introduced to photographic illustration, preparation and realization of a poster. At the same time, they develop their creative potential by dealing with various free themes. Graduates can work as photographers in advertising agencies, print media, etc. or as a freelance photographers. During the master studies, they further develops their creative potential by primarily creating free sets on various topics.

What courses can you look forward to?

  • Advertising Photography Studio
  • History of Photography
  • Basics of Documentary Photography
  • Practical Photography – Labs
  • Computing – Advertisign Photography
  • Technology of Photography
  • Digital Photography
  • Graphic Design Basics for Advertising Photographers
  • Figural Drawing
  • Optics

What will you become and where will you find a job after graduation?

  • Freelance photographer
  • Photographers in media, social and lifestyle magazines (photo journalist, photo editor)
  • Photographers in advertising agencies, creative departments

Faculties and departments
