Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně

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Faculty of Management and Economics

Economics and Management of Public Administration and Regional Development

Faculty: Faculty of Management and Economics Programme: Economics and Management Specialization: Economics and Management of Public Administration and Regional Development Mode: Full time, Part time Type: Bachelor's Language: Czech

This programme is taught in Czech only

Wine in the box or carp in the fridge? None of us has ever expected such attitude of Czech officials or politicians who are paid from our taxes. That is why this programme will provide you with experience and skills regarding public funds deducted from our taxes for the benefit of all of us. Together we will find out the answers to the questions which have always been in our minds: How to ensure efficient financing and democratic management of our municipalities and regions? What should the role of citizens be in that process? How can citizens be involved in the decision development of municipalities and regions? How to recognize, evaluate and present the problems of municipalities and regions to our politicians? How to properly set goals and priorities for development of our municipalities and regions? Which tools should be used to fulfil them? Which sources should be used to fund these tools? How to evaluate and control the efficiency of the measures taken? How to be “trendy” and “smart” when managing the municipalities and regions, which means “how to be smart”. How should municipalities and regions adapt to the impacts of global, economic, social and environmental changes such as digitalization, foreign investments, shared economy, population ageing, migration of people to the suburbs or a climatic change?

In the course of your studies, you will study at least one special subject in English.

Which special course units can you look forward to?

  • Regional Analyses and Geographic Information Systems in Public Administration
  • Regional Structures and Development of the Czech Republic and the EU
  • Regional Policy and Cohesion Policy of the Czech Republic and the EU
  • Regional and Municipal Economics
  • Strategic Planning of Territorial Development
  • Spatial Planning and Construction Law
  • Project Management in Public Administration and Regional Development
  • Public Sector Funding
  • Financial Control and Audit in Public Administration
  • Territorial Administration and Self-government
  • Application of Law in Public Administration
  • Administrative Law

Each study programme is supplemented by an offer of compulsory optional subjects. This enables the student to profile in the specific field of study.

What can you do after completing your studies?

  • EU structures and authorities, assistant of MEP
  • Administrative activities in the field of government, e.g. Ministry of Regional Development, Interior Ministry, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Transport and other government institutions
  • Administrative activities in self-governing areas, in municipal offices, city councils and regional councils
  • Project and management activities within local action groups and micro-regions
  • Expert and advisory activities in EU fund writing, preparation of analytical and strategic documents for public administration authorities and companies
  • Tourism – Destination management of tourist areas
  • Scientific research institutions, including our university
  • Non-profit organizations

Faculties and departments
