Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně

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Internal Rules and Regulations

Rector’s Directives

Year 2024

Rector’s Directive No. SR/16/2024 – replaces Rector’s Directive No. SR/6/2017
Directive on Publicly Announced Admission Procedure for Doctoral Programmes in the English Language, Accredited at Tomas Bata University in Zlín

Rector’s Directive No. SR/13/2024
Operation and Communication Management Policy

Rector’s Directive No. SR/12/2024
Organizational Security Policy

Rector’s Directive No. SR/112024
Amendment No. 2 to Rector’s Directive No. 9/2018 – Protection and Processing of Personal Data

Rector’s Directive No. SR/10/2024 – replace the Rector’s Directive No. SR/23/2022
Responsibility of Cost Centre Managers Including Project Investigators

  • Appendix 1 – Statutory Declaration and Authorizationby the Rector for the Project Investigator
  • Appendix 2 – Statutory Declaration and Authorizationby the Rector for the Payment Mandator

Rector’s Directive No. SR/8/2024
Rules and Requirements for the Provision of Occupational Health Services

Rector’s Directive No. SR/7/2024
System of Warning Signals – “RED FLAGS”

Rector’s Directive No. SR/6/2024 – replaces Rector’s Directive No. SR/37/2023
Rules of Procedure of the Ethics Committee of TBU


Year 2023

Rector’s Directive No. SR/42/2023 – replaces Rector’s Directive No. SR/22/2022
Secure Research Data Management at Tomas Bata University in Zlín

Rector’s Directive No. SR/41/2023
Asset Management Policy

Rector’s Directive No. SR/40/2023
Information Security Management System Policy

Rector’s Directive No. SR/37/2023
Rules of Procedure of the Ethics Committee of TBU

Rector’s Directive No. SR/35/2023
Declaration of Cyber Security at Tomas Bata University in Zlín

Rector’s Directive No. SR/29/2023
Rules of Student Grant Competition Held at Tomas Bata University in Zlín

  • Appendix 1 – Internal Allocation of Financial Resources Provided to Specific University Research
  • Appendix 2 – Recommended Structure of the Description of an IGA Project
  • Appendix 3 – Calculation of effectiveness of an IGA project

Rector’s Directive No. 28/2023 – abrogates the Rector’s Directive No. SR/13/2022
Rules for Assessment of Secondary and Higher Education and Qualification Acquired Abroad within the Admission Procedure Held at Tomas Bata University in Zlín

  • Appendix 1 – Documents for the assessment of compliance with the requirement of completion of secondary education completed by a secondary school-leaving examination
  • Appendix 2 – Form of documents
  • Appendix 3 – International agreements governing automatic equivalence of documents concerning education

Rector’s Directive No. SR/26/2023
Accommodation Scholarship in the 2023/2024 Academic Year

Rector’s Directive No. SR/24/2023
Fees for Actions Related to a Habilitation Procedure and to a Professorial Appointment Procedure

Rector’s Directive No. SR/21/2023
Prevention of a Conflict of Interest in the Case of Habilitation Procedures and Professorial Appointment Procedures

Rector’s Directive No. SR/20/2023
Characteristics and Responsibilities of a Supervisor in a Doctoral Programme

Rector’s Directive No. SR/14/2023
Records and Registration of Academic Mobility at Tomas Bata University in Zlín

Rector’s Directive No. 13/2023
International Mobility of TBU Students and Mobility of Incoming International Students at TBU

  • Appendix 1 – International Mobility of TBU Students and Mobility of Incoming International Students at TBU (outside the EWP)
  • Appendix 2 – Recognition of Outcomes Achieved during Student Mobility Abroad
  • Appendix 3 – International Mobility of TBU Students and Mobility of Incoming International Students at TBU (through the EWP system)

Rector’s Directive No. SR/7/2023
Status of the Cyber Security Manager

Rector’s Directive No. SR/6/2023
Statute of Committee for Cyber Security Management


Year 2022

Rector’s Directive No. SR/24/2022
Preparation of Documents for the Establishment of Spin-Off Companies at TBU or for the Establishment of Participation in Another Legal Entity for the Purpose of Commercialization of Intellectual Property Owned by TBU

Rector’s Directive No. SR/22/2022
Secure Research Data Management at Tomas Bata University in Zlín

Rector’s Directive No. SR/21/2022
Rules Governing the Provision of Contributions/Allowances Paid from the Social Fund

  • Annex 1 – Application for a/an contribution/allowance paid from the Social Fund
  • Annex 2 – Application for a change in the type of a/an contribution/allowance paid from the Social Fund

Rector’s Directive No. SR/20/2022 – replaces Rector’s Directive No. SR/18/2022
Operational Measures to Be Taken in TBU Buildings

Rector’s Directive No. SR/10/2022 – effective from 1 September 2022; replaces Rector’s Directive No. SR/1/2021
Tuition Fee for Study in Degree Programmes Accredited to Be Taught in a Foreign Language in the 2023/2024 Academic Year

  • Appendix 1 – Amounts of Tuition Fees to Be Paid for Study in Degree Programmes Accredited to Be Taught in a Foreign Language in the 2023/2024 Academic Year

Rector’s Directive No. SR/7/2022 – replaces Rector’s Directive No. SR/7/2021
Evaluation and Management of the Development of Teaching, R&D and Creative, Managerial and Other Activities Carried Out by TBU Academic Staff and Researchers

  • Appendix 1 – Work Capacity Record
  • Appendix 2 – Employee Career Plan for an Academic Year
  • Appendix 3 – Evaluation of Results of R&D and Creative Activities

Rector’s Directive No. SR/1/2022
Programme Aimed to Support the Transition of PhD Graduates to Employment in Their Early Academic Career at Tomas Bata University in Zlín

Year 2021

Rector’s Directive No. SR/15/2021
Annex No. 1 to Rector’s Directive No. SR/1/2021 Admission Fee for the 2022/2023 Academic Year, Tuition Fee for the 2021/2022 Academic Year and Tuition Fee for Study in a Degree Programme Taught in a Foreign Language in the 2022/2023 Academic Year

  • Appendix 1 – Full version of the Rector’s Directive No. SR/1/2021 including Annex No. 1

Rector’s Directive No. SR/12/2021 – replaces Rector’s Directive No. SR/8/2021 from 1 November 2021
Studies of International Students in Degree Programmes Accredited to Be Taught in a Foreign and in the Czech Language at TBU

Rector’s Directive No. SR/10/2021 – replaces Rector’s Directive No. SR/8/2020
International Mobility of TBU Students and Mobility of Incoming International Students at TBU

  • Appendix 1 – International Mobility of TBU Students and Mobility of Incoming International Students at TBU
  • Appendix 2 – Recognition of Outcomes Achieved during Student Mobility Abroad

Rector’s Directive No. SR/8/2021 – replaced by Rector’s Directive No. SR/12/2021 from 1 November 2021; replaces Rector’s Directive No. SR/11/2020
Studies of International Students in Degree Programmes Accredited to Be Taught in a Foreign and in the Czech Language at TBU

Rector’s Directive No. SR/7/2021 – replaces Rector’s Directive No. SR/23/2019 and SR/10/2020
Evaluation and Management of the Development of Teaching, R&D and Creative, Managerial and Other Activities Carried Out by TBU Academic Staff and Researchers

Rector’s Directive No. SR/5/2021
Annex No. 1 to Rector’s Directive No. SR/30/2020 – Rules of TBU JUNG Grant Competition

  • Appendix No. 1 – Appendix No. 2 to Rector’s Directive No. SR/30/2020

Rector’s Directive No. SR/4/2021 – replaces Rector’s Directive No. SR/13/2019
Rules of Procedure of the Ethics Committee of TBU

  • Appendix No. 1 – Request for Assessment of Project Research Data by the Ethics Committee of TBU

Rector’s Directive No. SR/2/2021
Rules for Assessment of Secondary and Higher Education and Qualification Acquired Abroad in the Admission Procedure Held at Tomas Bata University in Zlín

  • Appendix 1 – Specification of documents for the assessment of compliance with the requirement of completion of secondary education completed by a secondary school-leaving examination
  • Appendix 2 – Form of documents
  • Appendix 3 – International agreements governing automatic equivalence of documents concerning education

Rector’s Directive No. SR/1/2021 – replaces Rector’s Directive SR/28/2020 with effect from 1 September 2021
Admission Fee for the 2022/2023 Academic Year, Tuition Fee for the 2021/2022 Academic Year and Tuition Fee for Study in a Degree Programme Taught in a Foreign Language in the 2022/2023 Academic Year

  • Appendix 1 – Amounts of Tuition Fees to Be Paid for Study in Degree Programmes Taught in a Foreign Language in the 2022/2023 Academic Year

Year 2020

Rector’s Directive No. SR/34/2020
Annex No. 1 to Rector’s Directive No. SR/9/2007 – Personal Protective Work Equipment

Rector’s Directive No. SR/33/2020
Rules Governing Leave Taking at Tomas Bata University in Zlín

Rector’s Directive No. SR/32/2020 – replaces the Rector’s Directive No. SR/1/20212
Principles Governing the Creation and Implementation of Joint Degree Programmes in Cooperation with a Foreign Higher Education Institution

Rector’s Directive No. SR/30/2020
Rules of TBU JUNG Grant Competition

  • Annex 1 – Methodology for Assessment, Control and Evaluation of Grants
  • Appendix No. 2 – whitch regulates internal financial aspects related to projects implemented within the internal TBU JUNG Grant Competition

Rector’s Directive No. SR/29/2020
Annex No. 1 to Rector’s Directive No. SR/20/2020 – Rules of Student Grant Competition Held at Tomas Bata University in Zlín

  • Appendix No. 1 – Rector’s Directive  No. SR/20/2020 as amended by the Annex No. 1

Rector’s Directive No. SR/26/2020 – replaces Rector’s Directive No. SR/24/2020
Rules Governing the Working from Home Policy (the so-called home office) at Tomas Bata University in Zlín

  • Appendix 1 – Agreement on the Performance of Work from Home
  • Appendix 2 – Working Conditions Required for the Performance of Work from Home

Rector’s Directive No. SR/23/2020
Submission and Administration of Projects

Rector’s Directive No. SR/20/2020 – replaces Rector’s Directive No. SR/20/2019
Rules of Student Grant Competition Held at Tomas Bata University in Zlín

  • Appendix No. 1 – Internal Allocation of Financial Resources Provided to Specific University Research
  • Appendix No. 2 – Recommended Structure of the Description of an IGA Project
  • Appendix No. 3 – Calculation of Effectiveness of an IGA Project (EP)
  • Full version – Rector’s Directive  No. SR/20/2020 as amended by the Annex No. 1

Rector’s Directive No. SR/14/2020
Annex No. 1 to Rector’s Directive SR/35/2019 Rules for Eligibility for Scholarship Paid from the Resources of the Fund Intended to Support Internationalization and for International Students in Full-Time Degree Programmes Taught in the English Language at TBU in Zlín

Rector’s Directive No. SR/12/2020
Registration of Mobility Periods at Tomas Bata University in Zlín

Rector’s Directive No. SR/11/2020
Studies of International Students in Degree Programmes Accredited to Be Taught in a Foreign and in the Czech Language at TBU

Rector’s Directive No. SR/10/2020
Annex No. 1 to SR/23/2019 – Evaluation and Management of the Development of Teaching, R&D and Creative, Managerial and Other Activities Carried Out by TBU Academic Staff and Researchers

  • Appendix No. 1 – Appendix No. 3 to SR/23/2019 – Evaluation of Results of R&D and Creative Activities

Rector’s Directive No. SR/8/2020
International Mobility of TBU Students and Mobility of Incoming International Students at TBU

Rector’s Directive No. SR/4/2020
TBU Staff Mobility Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme

Rector’s Directive No. SR/1/2020
Amendment No. 1 to SR/22/2019 – Rules of Student Grant Competition Held at Tomas Bata University in Zlín

  • Annex No. 1 – Rector’s Directive No. SR/22/2019 Rules of Student Grant Competition Held at Tomas Bata University in Zlín (amended)


Year 2019

Rector’s Directive No. SR/36/2019
Rules for Assignment and Use of Flats Provided by the University

Rector’s Directive No. SR/35/2019
Rules for Eligibility for Scholarship Paid from the Resources of the Fund Intended to Support Internationalization and for International Students in Full-Time Degree Programmes Taught in the English Language at Tomas Bata University in Zlín

Rector’s Directive No. SR/31/2019
Statute and Rules of Procedure of the International Evaluation Panel of TBU in Zlín

  • Annex No. 1 – The Declaration on Word of Honour Forms

Rector’s Directive No. SR/25/2019
Rules of Procedure of the International Board of Tomas Bata University in Zlín

Rector’s Directive No. SR/23/2019 – replaces Rector’s Directive No. SR/8/2019
Evaluation and Management of the Development of Teaching, R&D and Creative, Managerial and Other Activities Carried Out by TBU Academic Staff and Researchers

  • Appendix 1 – Work Capacity Record
  • Appendix 2 – Employee Career Plan for an Academic Year
  • Appendix 3 – Evaluation of Results of R&D and Creative Activities

Rector’s Directive No. SR/22/2019 – replaces Rector’s Directive No. SR/13/2015
Rules of Student Grant Competition Held at Tomas Bata University in Zlín

  • Appendix 1 to Rector’s Directive No. SR/22/2019
  • Appendix 2 to Rector’s Directive No. SR/22/2019
  • Appendix 3 to Rector’s Directive No. SR/22/2019
  • Annex No. 1 – Rector’s Directive No. SR/22/2019 Rules of Student Grant Competition Held at Tomas Bata University in Zlín (amended)

Rector’s Directive No. SR/2/2019
Amendment No. 1 to Rector’s Directive No. SR/9/2018 – Protection and Processing of Personal Data

Year 2018

Rector’s Directive No. SR/19/2018
Work Regulations of Tomas Bata University in Zlín

Rector’s Directive No. SR/9/2018
Protection and Processing of Personal Data

Rector’s Directive No. SR/8/2018
International Mobility of TBU Students and Mobility of Incoming International Students at TBU


Year 2017

Rector’s Directive No. SR/26/2017
Prescribed manner for processing the selected documents submitted by the candidate at the commencement of the habilitation procedure and the professorial appointment procedure

  • Appendix 1 to Rector’s Directive No. SR/26/2017
  • Appendix 2 to Rector’s Directive No. SR/26/2017
  • Appendix 3 to Rector’s Directive No. SR/26/2017

Rector’s Directive No. SR/25/2017
Scientific Publications

  • Annex 1 to Rector’s Directive No. SR/25/2017
  • Annex 2 to Rector’s Directive No. SR/25/2017
  • Annex 3 to Rector’s Directive No. SR/25/2017
  • Annex 4 to Rector’s Directive No. SR/25/2017
  • Annex 5 to Rector’s Directive No. SR/25/2017
  • Annex 6 to Rector’s Directive No. SR/25/2017

Rector’s Directive No. SR/24/2017
Accommodation Scholarship in the Academic Year 2017/2018

Rector’s Directive No. SR/16/2017
International Mobility of TBU Students and Mobility of Incoming International Students at TBU

  • Appendix 1 to Rector’s Directive No. SR/16/2017

Rector’s Directive No. SR/14/2017
Annex 1 to Rector’s Directive No. SR/20/2016 – Standard Layout of Master’s and Bachelor’s Theses, Their Archiving and Provision of Access Thereto

  • Appendix 1 to Rector’s Directive No. SR/14/2017 – Implementing Regulation to Rector’s Directive on the Standard Layout of Master’s and Bachelor’s Theses, Their Archiving and Provision of Access Thereto
  • Appendix 2 to Rector’s Directive No. SR/14/2017 – Standard Layout of Master’s and Bachelor’s Theses, Their Archiving and Provision of Access Thereto as Amended by Annex 1

Rector’s Directive No. SR/13/2017
Recognition of Secondary and Higher Education and Qualification Acquired Abroad


Year 2016

Rector’s Directive No. SR/20/2016
Standard Layout of Master’s and Bachelor’s Theses, Their Archiving and Provision of Access Thereto

  • Appendix 1 to Rector’s Directive No. SR/20/2016
  • Appendix 2 to Rector’s Directive No. SR/20/2016
  • Appendix 3 to Rector’s Directive No. SR/20/2016

Rector’s Directive No. SR/12/2016
Final State Examinations at Tomas Bata University in Zlín

Rector’s Directive No. SR/10/2016
Annex 1 to Rector’s Directive No. SR/13/2012 Submission and Administration of Projects

Rector’s Directive No. SR/4/2016
Rules for Connection of Mobile Devices to the Network of TBU in Zlín

Rector’s Directive No. SR/3/2016
Rules for Use of Electronic Mail at TBU in Zlín

Rector’s Directive No. SR/2/2016
Rules for Computer Network Use in the Residence Halls of TBU in Zlín

Rector’s Directive No. SR/1/2016
Rules for Computer Network Use at TBU in Zlín


Year 2015

Rector’s Directive No. SR/11/2015
Fees for Tuition Offered in a Foreign Language


Year 2014

Rector’s Directive No. SR/05/2014
Rules Governing the Procedure for Creating Measures Related to Studies at TBU in Cases of Pregnancy, Childbirth or Parenthood

Rector’s Directive No. SR/03/2014
Annex No. 1 to Rector’s Directive No. SR/02/2011


Year 2012

Rector’s Directive No. SR/13/2012
Submission and Administration of Projects


Year 2011

Rector’s Directive No. SR/24/2011
Studies of International Students in Degree Programmes Taught in the Czech Language

Rector’s Directive No. SR/23/2011
Liability of Payment Mandators including Project Investigators

  • Appendix 1 to Rector’s Directive No. SR/23/2011

Rector’s Directive No. SR/02/2011
Studies of International Students in Degree Programmes Taught in a Foreign Language

Faculties and departments
