Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně

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Practical Information

Health Insurance

General Information

All foreign students are obliged to have health insurance while staying and studying in the Czech Republic. EU nationals must have a valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). Non-EU nationals are obliged by law to purchase comprehensive health insurance for their stay in the Czech Republic. It must cover illnesses, accidents, etc. up to the legal requirement of 400,000 EUR per one insurance event.

Non-EU citizens with visa obligations are also requested to provide their medicare contract while they collect approved visas at the Czech embassies abroad. If a student is prolonging a visa in the Czech Republic, a health insurance contract is required while applying. For detailed information please refer to the Official Information Portal for Foreigners.

Students can apply online and receive their documents anywhere. It is also possible to obtain a discounted price for students. For further information, contact the International Office of TBU at incoming@utb.cz.

Insurance Companies in the Czech Republic

You can check the current offers of companies on the following links:

TBU in Zlín always recommends checking with the insurance company about the current medical service coverage in the Zlín Region, i.e. list of contracted doctors and medical facilities with the particular company.

Faculties and departments
