Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně

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Courses at Faculty of Management and Economics

Level of offered courses

International students are allowed to choose freely which courses to take – possible recommendations/restrictions noted in column Note(s). Bachelor students are allowed to take master’s courses and the other way around so the column Degree programme states the level of the course and its difficulty. Master courses should be more complicated and the requirements might be higher.

Semester of study

Each course has defined in which semester it will be taught. It could be either in Winter or Summer semester. It cannot be changed. Nevertheless, some courses are offered in Both semesters.

Credit requirements

The required minimum number of selected credits is 15 ECTS per academic semester. The maximum number is not defined but we recommend 30 ECTS credits as the maximum.

Medium of instruction

The medium of instruction for courses offered below is English, if not stated differently.

List of courses for international exchange students
Academic year 2025/2026 (last update on 24/03/2025)
Course code (abbreviation) Course name Lecturer Degree programme ECTS credits Semester Note(s)
Department of Economics (MUE)
1DEKE Digital Economy Ing. Martin Mikeska, Ph.D. Master 3 Winter
1MI2E Microeconomics 2 doc. Ing. Zuzana Dohnalová, Ph.D.
Ing. Denisa Karolyová
Master 5 Winter
1DEME History of Economic Thought Ing. Martin Mikeska, Ph.D. Bachelor 3 Summer
1MA2E Macroeconomics 2 doc. Ing. Jena Švarcová, Ph.D.

Ing. Milan Damborský, Ph.D.

Master 5 Summer
Department of Finance and Accounting (MUFU)
1BP1E Banking and Insurance 1 Etsub Tekola Jemberu, Ph.D. Bachelor 5 Winter
1PF1E Corporate Finance 1 Ing. Michaela Blahová, Ph.D.
Ing. Přemysl Pálka, Ph.D.
Bachelor 6 Winter
1FITE Financial Markets Ing. Jana Přílučíková, Ph.D.

Hoang Duong Vu, Ph.D.

Bachelor 3 Winter
1BEFE Behavioral Finance Ing. Jana Přílučíková, Ph.D. Master 4 Winter
1PF2E Corporate Finance 2 prof. Dr. Ing. Drahomíra Pavelková,
Ing. Michaela Blahová, Ph.D.
Master 5 Winter
1FRAE Financial Reporting and Audit Ing. David Homola, Ph.D. Master 3 Winter
1VEFE Public Finance Ing. Eliška Kozubíková, Ph.D. Master 4 Winter
1OCPE Corporate Valuation Ing. Přemysl Pálka, Ph.D.
Ing. Michaela Blahová, Ph.D.
Master 4 Summer
1MUSE International Accounting Standards Ing. David Homola, Ph.D. Master 5 Summer
1MEFE International Finance Ing. Jana Přílučíková, Ph.D.

Ing. et Ing. Vojtěch Sadil, PhD., LL.M

Master 4 Summer
Value Based Management Ing. Michaela Blahová, Ph.D.,
Ing. Přemysl Pálka, Ph.D.
Master 3 Summer
Department of Management and Marketing (MUMM)
1AMME Advanced Marketing and Management doc. Ing. Miloslava Chovancová, CSc.
Ing. Michael Adu Kwarteng, Ph.D.
Bachelor 3 Winter Max. capacity is 15 students.
1MN1E Management 1 Ing. Janka Vydrová, Ph.D. Bachelor 5 Winter Max. capacity is 15 students.
1MDTE Managerial Skills and Techniques doc. Ing. Jana Matošková, Ph.D. Bachelor 3 Winter Max. capacity is 15 students.
1MR1E Marketing 1 doc. Ing. Michal Pilík, Ph.D.
Ing. Michael Adu Kwarteng, Ph.D.
Bachelor 5 Winter Max. capacity is 15 students.
1AMRE Applied Marketing Research doc. Ing. Miloslava Chovancová, Csc.
Ing. Michael Adu Kwarteng, Ph.D.
Master 4 Winter Max. capacity is 15 students.
1MNZE Brand Management doc. Ing. Miloslava Chovancová, Csc.
Ing. Michael Adu Kwarteng, Ph.D.
Master 4 Winter Max. capacity is 15 students.
1MAEE Business Ethics doc. Ing. Alena Klapalová, Ph.D. Master 3 Winter Max. capacity is 15 students.
1DMRE Digital Marketing doc. Ing. Michal Pilík, Ph.D.

Ing. Michael Adu Kwarteng, Ph.D.

Mgr. Lukáš Koutný

Master 3 Winter Max. capacity is 15 students.
1RL2E Human Resource Management 2 doc. Ing. Jana Matošková, Ph.D. Master 3 Winter Max. capacity is 15 students.
1MME International Marketing Ing. Janka Vydrová, Ph.D. Master 4 Winter Max. capacity is 15 students.
1MAKE Marketing Communication Ing. Michael Adu Kwarteng, Ph.D. Master 4 Winter Max. capacity is 15 students.
1SMNE Strategic Management doc. Ing. Miloslava Chovancová, Csc. Master 4 Winter Max. capacity is 15 students.
1ZPRE Basics of Project Management Ing. Lucie Tomancová, Ph.D. Bachelor 3 Summer Max. capacity is 15 students.
1LZ1E Human Resource Management 1 doc. Ing. Jana Matošková, Ph.D.,
Ing. Martin Mušinský, Ph.D.
Bachelor 4 Summer Max. capacity is 15 students.
1MR2E Marketing 2 doc. Ing. Miloslava Chovancová, CSc.
doc. Ing. Alena Klapalová, Ph.D.
Bachelor 5 Summer Max. capacity is 15 students.
1CSPE Consumer Behaviour doc. Ing. Miloslava Chovancová, CSc.
doc. Ing. Alena Klapalová, Ph.D.
Master 3 Summer Max. capacity is 15 students.
1CCME Cross Cultural Management Ing. Michaela Blahová, Ph.D.,
Ing. Michael Adu Kwarteng, Ph.D.
Master 3 Summer Max. capacity is 15 students.
1MARE Marketing Applications Ing. Michael Adu Kwarteng, Ph.D. Master 4 Summer Max. capacity is 15 students.
Department of Business Administration (MUPE)
1PE2E Business Economics 2 Ing. Zuzana Vaculčíková, Ph.D. Bachelor 6 Winter
1MC2E Management Accounting 2 prof. Ing. Boris Popesko, Ph.D. Master 5 Winter
1EKSE Service Economy doc. Ing. Zuzana Tučková, Ph.D.,
Ing. Zuzana Vaculčíková, Ph.D.
Master 4 Winter
1PE1E Business Economics 1 doc. Ing. Petr Novák, Ph.D. Bachelor 5 Summer
1MAUE Management Accounting prof. Ing. Boris Popesko, Ph.D. Bachelor 6 Summer
2EARE Ecological Aspects of Business Decision Ing. Viera Pechancová Master 3 Summer
1PE3E Enterprise Economics 3 doc. Ing. Ján Dvorský, Ph.D.

Ing. Zuzana Virglerová, Ph.D.

Ing. Zdenko Metzker

Master 5 Summer
Department of Industrial Engineering and Information Systems (MUPI)
1FIPE Firm Innovation Policy Ing. Eva Juřičková, Ph.D. Master 4 Winter
1RPPE Reengineering of Enterprise Processes prof. Ing. David Tuček, Ph.D.,
Ing. Pavel Ondra, Ph.D.
Master 4 Winter
1ISPE Business Economics  Information Systems Ing. Michal Pivnička, Ph.D. Master 4 Summer
Department of Regional Development, Public Sector Administration and Law (MURVP)
1LAW2 Law for Economists 2 JUDr. Jiří Zicha, Ph.D. Master 4 Winter
1RSEE Regional Structures and Development of Europe and the Czech Republic RNDr. Pavel Bednář, Ph.D.,
Ing. Lukáš Danko, Ph.D.
Master 4 Winter
1LAW1 Law for Economists 1 JUDr. Jiří Zicha, Ph.D. Bachelor 5 Summer
1RKEE Regional Policy and Cohesion Policy EU Ing. Lenka Smékalová, Ph.D.
Ing. Filip Kučera
Bachelor 4 Summer
Department of Statistics and Quantitative Methods (MUSKM)
1ZKME Basics of Quantitative Methods Ing. Aleš Kunčar Bachelor 3 Winter
1EKOE Econometrics Ing. Lubor Homolka, Ph.D. Master 4 Winter
1KMRE Quantitative Decision-making Methods RNDr. Bedřich Zimola, Ph.D. Master 5 Winter
1CDPE Computerised Data Processing Ing. Aleš Kunčar Bachelor 3 Summer
1RIME Risk Management Ing. Lubor Homolka, Ph.D.
Ing. Tomáš Urbánek
Master 5 Summer

Faculties and departments
