Postdoctoral positions for FAI
The Faculty of Applied Informatics of TBU in Zlín
is announcing a selection process within the program „Creativity, Inteligence & Talent pro Zlínský kraj“ selection process for postdoctoral positions (postdocs).
What does this position entail?
Active participation in research and development projects of the Faculty of Applied Informatics. You will be integrated into already running Research and Development (R&D) projects and also involved in preparing new R&D projects. You will also participate in the search for new challenges and partners for contract research. Other activities will include educational activities according to your expertise.
Your tasks will include:
- research and development activity
- publication of outputs by the Methodology of the Government of the Czech Republic
- educational activity
- bachelor’s and diploma theses supervising
- active participation and organization of professional conferences, seminars, and workshops.
Postdoctoral positions are advertised in the following four research areas:
- Cybernetics, automation and robotics
- Software engineering and information technology
- Security technology
- Technology of processing processes
- a successfully completed doctorate (Ph.D.) study program no more than five years before the application was submitted,
- publication activity in the field,
- suitability of the topic of the defended dissertation for the required position,
- previous participation in project activities,
- foreign mobilities as part of master’s and doctoral studies,
- prerequisites for pedagogical and research work,
- interest in education and professional growth,
- communication and teamwork skills,
- active knowledge of the English language documented by a certificate,
- moral and civic integrity.
What do we offer?
- Background of a stable employer;
- the possibility of career growth and personal development;
- 40 days of vacation;
- meals at the staff cafeteria with the contribution of the employer;
- possibility of further training and education;
- other benefits provided by the employer – e.g. a discounted mobile tariff for family members as well, the possibility of discounted use of our recreational facilities, university nursery school, discounts with partners.
Job information:
- Place of work: Zlin
- Expected starting date: by agreement.
- Full-time job.
Send the application with your professional CV and motivation letter by November, 24th 2023, preferably electronically to or the address:
Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně,
oddělení rozvoje lidských zdrojů,
nám. T. G. Masaryka 5555,
760 01 Zlín
Czech Republic.
The application must be accompanied by a copy of the documents on the educational transcript, a record of the achieved research rank, a professional CV with data on previous experience and publication activities, and a statutory declaration of integrity (only if candidate is NOT a TBU employee).
The Faculty of Applied Informatics reserves the right not to fill a position.