Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně

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Human Resources Development

Equal Opportunities

Equal opportunities play a key role in the functioning, structure and culture of the institution. Tomas Bata University in Zlín is committed to systematically promoting equality of opportunity in all its processes – in the areas of management, institutional and personnel policy, as well as the values ​​and standards to which the university adheres and on which it is based.

For this purpose, the Gender Equality Plan of TBU in Zlín has been developed, hereinafter referred to as the GEP.

The GEP describes the goals, tools and measures that the university will implement in order to establish a higher level of gender equality in the areas of:

  • education and awareness raising on gender equality issues
  • reconciling personal and professional life
  • representation of women in managerial positions
  • recruitment and equal opportunities
  • equal opportunities in science and research
  • measures against sexual and gender-based harassment

Guidelines for gender-sensitive communication

Sensitive communication is one of the tools for supporting a fair environment in the institution. It helps to ensure equal opportunities, inclusion and promote diversity. Language and visual communication are also part of PR, providing a picture of the internal culture and climate of the university. CZ | EN – Coming soon.

Information for project submitters

Project applications submitted to national and international providers often include requirements to describe the applicant’s workplace approach to the development of human resources potential and improvement of working conditions. For this purpose, standardized documents and texts demonstrating the active approach of TBU to the promotion of non-discriminatory access can be used.

Preparedness of the project submitter

Faculties and departments
