Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně

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Cyber Security

Cyber security deals with the way we protect our information, devices and assets. It includes activities necessary to protect networks and information systems, users of these systems and other persons affected by cyber threats. It refers to a set of tools, technologies, techniques, activities, principles and processes aimed at preventing, protecting and managing the security of computer systems and technologies against cyber attacks.

Cyber security incidents that arise in or are directly related to TBU information systems and networks are addressed by the staff of the Information Technology Centre.

The advisory board entrusted with the overall management and development of an important information system at TBU is the Cyber Security Management Committee.

The person responsible for the information security management system at TBU is the Cyber Security Manager.

Security Incident Reporting

Security incidents are events that indicate that an organization’s systems or data may be at risk. If you have encountered or suspect a security incident, please report it immediately.



Current threats, vulnerabilities, warnings, precautions.

Cyber Security Fundamentals

Information and training materials for employees and students.

Cyber Security Management Committee

Advisory board to ensure cyber security governance.

NIS Directive

Information on the EU Directive to strengthen cyber security in the Member States.

Cyber Security Terms

Glossary of Cyber Security Terms – a list of definitions of words and phrases related to digital security.

Faculties and departments
