Lifelong Learning Strategy of Tomas Bata University in Zlín for the period 21+
7. October 2022In addition to higher education, TBU in Zlín offers lifelong learning programmes (LLP). These can be focused on the acquisition and development of professional knowledge or on leisure education. What is our vision in lifelong learning and what goals and activities we plan?
In the current era of negative demographic trends and the rapid evolution of technology, there is a need for adults to engage in continuing education to adapt to changing job content and changing work conditions.
In 2019, Cedefop (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) conducted a pan-European survey of public opinion on adult learning and further vocational education and training. The results show that, while adults of all ages and across different occupations feel the need to acquire new skills, this need does not motivate them to participate in learning and further training (see Cedefop’s article “High Esteem but Low Participation” on the Cedefop website for more information).
For educators, the clear conclusion is that increasing the interest of adults in lifelong learning programmes and courses requires new, more participant-centred approaches.
The Lifelong Learning Strategy at Tomas Bata University in Zlín for the period 21+ responds to the findings of this survey. It sets out the following vision, mission and goals for the near future in the field of lifelong learning provided by the University:
Lifelong learning at TBU is based on the philosophy of prioritising agile and flexible learning methods combined with quality lecturers/trainers and digital learning support tools. In terms of curriculum development, educational programmes will be primarily oriented towards the learner and adapting the environment for effective learning.
TBU has set up a functional, client-accessible and economically sustainable LLP system. It provides adults with educational products and services that respect their unique learning needs. As a result, participants in LLP programmes will be able to pursue their life goals and actively transform their environment.
Specific objectives
- Systematize and expand the existing offer of career-oriented LLP with reskilling content – so-called re-skilling courses.
- Systematise and expand the existing offer of vocationally oriented LLP s with adult skills development – so-called up-skilling courses.
- Systematise and expand the existing offer of interest-oriented (non-vocational) LLP.
- Build a digital platform to support informal learning for students, TBU graduates and others interested in LLP.
- Systematically educate TBU staff in the implementation and teaching of LLP with regard to the specifics of the target group.
- To prepare new LLP activities including accompanying events in order to maintain attractiveness and accessibility for the target groups.
- Develop cooperation with other educational institutions in the field of LLP, including at international level.
The implementation of these points will enable the University to expand the offer of LLP and increase its relevance. At the same time, this will create conditions for improving the level of LLP in the Zlín Region, thus strengthening TBU’s role as a key educational institution supporting the transformation and resilience of the region.
The Lifelong Learning Strategy of Tomas Bata University in Zlín for the period 21+ is available under this article.