Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně

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Project details

ADAPT UTB project: Adaptable, Digital, Agile, Progressive, Transformation of TBU in Zlín

Project registration number: NPO_UTB_MSMT-16585/2022

Brief description of the project

The project focuses on the transformation of TBU in accordance with the priorities of the NPO. This transformation includes increasing the University’s adaptability and agility due to the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and trends related to the long-term transformation of the labour market in the Czech Republic – the advent of Industry 4.0 and its social context.

Objectives and results of the project

The implementation of the project will result in:

  • (A1) Finalization of the development of the TBU Centre for Digitization of Education, where instrumentation and information technology will be purchased to provide professional educational materials for blended and distance learning. At the same time, the main TBU server room will be modernized, high-quality online connection for all TBU students will be provided, and LMS Moodle add-on modules will be purchased in order to improve the quality of online education.
  • (A2) Development of the institutional environment and competencies of academic staff for the implementation of distance and blended learning.
  • (A3) Creation of six new career-oriented degree programmes at TBU responding to changes in the labour market and the requirements of regional stakeholders.
  • (A4) Creation of five new lifelong learning courses aimed at expanding adult skills (so-called upskilling), including their institutional coordination within the TBU Institute of Lifelong Learning.

The combination of project activities will result in a much higher degree of adaptability, digitization, agility and progressivity of education offered by TBU.

The ADAPT UTB project: Adaptable, Digital, Agile, Progressive, Transformation of TBU in Zlín is funded by the European Union.

B: Creative Industries and Digital Culture

Project registration number: NPO_UTB_MSMT-16585/2022

Brief description of the project

The career-oriented Bachelor’s programme in Creative Industries and Digital Culture (“BP CIDC”) is a new interdisciplinary degree programme carried out at the Faculty of Multimedia Communications (“FMC”) of Tomas Bata University in Zlín (“TBU”), which is expected to be taught in the Czech language, with a standard length of study of 3 years in the full-time mode of study, while part of the course units offering specialist knowledge will be taught in English. The BP CIDC is designed to equip students with skills for the production and management of the artistic and cultural sphere. It focuses on the development of innovations and new approaches, especially in relation to digitization, in general and field-specific disciplines of fine arts and green design, performing arts, film, animation, etc. The BP CIDC prepares students to start their own business or work in the management board or other positions in non-governmental organizations and companies in cultural creative industries (“CCI”) or to work for companies or institutions, increasingly reliant on innovative management approaches. The BP CIDC also focuses on opportunities, current trends and risks in the area of CCO, such as digitization, the use of Blockchain technologies for the distribution of works of art, globalization, environmental risks, demographic and sociological changes. The BP CIDC is also focused on communication, culture and art, as well as entrepreneurship and the development of creative business models. The goal is to develop a comprehensive critical understanding and diverse areas of professional skills.

Objectives and results of the project

The project is incorporated in sub-activities producing the particular results:

1. Prepare a proposal for a Bachelor’s programme in Creative Industries and Digital Culture to be granted internal accreditation for the area of education in Arts

1.1. Creation of an implementation team made up of academic staff and non-academic experts, which will draw up and approve the basic structure of the new BP CIDC.

1.2 Preparation of supporting documents for the new BP CIDC to be proposed for internal accreditation.

1.3 Preparation of products related to the new BP CIDC.

1.4. Creation of a team of stakeholder representatives, a larger team of academics and particularly non-academic experts in the area of CCO, who will reflect the proposals of the implementation team and product sets).

1.5 Finalization of the proposal for the new BP CIDC to be granted internal accreditation.

2. Build up the necessary infrastructure for the provision of classes taught within the new BP CIDC

2.1 Completion of the final supporting documents for the construction of the affected teaching facilities, preparation of records and notification.

2.2 Complete specification of purchased instrumentation for the purpose of organizing public tenders.

2.3 Public tender for construction works.

2.4. Public tender for instrumentation and teaching equipment.

2.5 Renovation and partial reconstruction.

2.6 Installation of purchased instrumentation and teaching equipment.

3. Gain authorization to implement the new BP CIDC

3.1 Commence the preparations of the proposal for the BP CIDC to be granted internal accreditation.

3.2 Incorporation of comments (if any) in the proposal for the BP CIDC to be granted internal accreditation.

3.3 Completion of the proposal for the BP CIDC to be granted internal accreditation.

3.4 Submission of the BP CIDC proposal for internal accreditation to the Rector of TBU to be discussed at a meeting of the TBU Internal Evaluation Board.

4. Carry out the admission procedure to the 1st year of the new BP CIDC

4.1 Submission of the Directive on Admission Procedure to the BP CIDC to the FMC Academic Senate.

4.2 Approval of the Directive on Admission Procedure to the BP CIDC by the FMC Academic Senate.

4.3 Publication of the Directive on Admission Procedure to the BP CIDC.

4.4 Organization and implementation of the admission procedure to BP CIDC.

4.5 Publication of the results of the admission procedure to the BP CIDC.

5. Carry out classes for first-year students of the new BP CIDC

5.1 Enrolment of students for the 1st year of studies in the BP CIDC.

5.2 Classes taught in the winter and summer semester of the 1st year of the BP CIDC.

5.3 Fulfilment of academic requirements allowing students to enrol on the next year of study in the BP CIDC after completing the 1st year thereof.

The Creative Industries and Digital Culture project is funded by the European Union.

C1. Enhancement of the permeability of education at the university level through micro-credentials

Project registration number: NPO_UTB_MSMT-16585/2022

Brief description of the project

The aim of the project is to improve the permeability of education at the university level through micro-credentials and to digitize activities related to the provision of teaching activities and administrative tasks related to the studies’ administration. It is a joint project of 26 public higher education institutions. Their mutual cooperation will result in achieving compatibility of solutions in the area of micro-credentials and digitization of related activities.

Objectives and results of the project

Specifically, the project will focus on the analysis of the current situation in the area of various types of documents at the national level, as well as an analysis of international experience in order to find the most appropriate international experience. A methodology will be created for the recognition of existing education in courses that may meet the requirements for micro-credentials, design of a uniform form of micro-credentials, and unification of the outputs of particular forms of short-term education using the ECTS credit system.

The digitization of the area focused on will consist in the creation of a common on-line catalogue of courses provided by public higher education institutions that meet the requirements for micro-credentials, and the creation of a unified system designed for verifying the results of smaller forms of education at higher education institutions, including a repository.

Project C1. Enhancement of the permeability of education at the university level through micro-credentials is funded by the European Union.

C2. Secure distance learning

Project registration number: NPO_UTB_MSMT-16585/2022

Brief description of the project

The project aims to systematically and comprehensively secure the forms of distance learning, including directly related activities, from both a technical and procedural perspective, in accordance with the existing recommendations, standards, procedures and methodologies.

Objectives and results of the project

As part of the project, existing or suitable collaborative platforms for the support of distance learning at individual public higher education institutions will be analysed, but primary emphasis will be placed on their proper security in terms of cyber and information security through the implementation of proven methods of protection. Elimination of undesirable external influences or systemic risks arising from current practice will be achieved through a combination of advanced settings of security mechanisms of the selected collaborative platform and the application of security policies meeting the requirements for the implementation of distance learning.

Project C2. Secure distance learning is funded by the European Union.

C3. Digitization of activities directly related to the provision of teaching activities and administrative tasks related to studies’ administration

Project registration number: NPO_UTB_MSMT-16585/2022

Brief description of the project

The project is focused on fulfilling the objectives specified in the NPO Call, which include issuing digital study certificates, ensuring their verifiability, dealing with the requirements placed on students in connection with the studies’ administration and study-related services, from enrolment to the time of graduation, coping with changes towards the digitization of administration systems that are within the competence of universities, both from the perspective of student activities, as well as related activities of the university or digitization of processes, automated exchange of documents and information, implementation of the “once-only” principle in the studies’ administration, including appropriate development, modification of the form and content of information and other support systems.

Objectives and results of the project

Within the project, it will be necessary to adapt the environment of information and other related systems linked to the performance of studies’ administration and study-related services for students and staff of the university so that the minimum requirements for submitting documents or data are placed on students, and the need for physical presence at the university when dealing with the studies’ administration is reduced as much as possible, that the mentioned information systems are user-friendly for all parties involved, including language versions and appropriate web design compatible with all kinds of devices, that the exchange of information necessary for the execution of the administration is automated to the maximum extent possible, or that the electronic way of requesting them is possible, where the documentation is kept in digital form, documents are available digitally and their verifiability is ensured (even for a third party). The outputs are aimed at reducing the administrative burden of studies’ administration and study-related services.

Project C3. Digitization of activities directly related to the provision of teaching activities and administrative tasks related to the studies’ administration is funded by the European Union.

Faculties and departments
