Ph.D. Courses
Here you can find a review of our doctoral programmes and courses. Standard lenght of study is 4 years and in case of successful graduation you can add a title Ph.D. behind your name. All the programmes can be studied both in present or combined form, in English or Czech language.
It is currently possible to study in English language is study programs Biomaterials and Biocomposites and Nanotechnology and Advanced materials.
Study programme: Biomaterials and Biocomposites | P0711D130024
Study programme: Nanotechnology and Advanced materials | P0719D130002
Other ongoing study programs:
Study programme: Material Sciences and Engineering | P3924
Course: Biomaterials and Biocomposites | 3911V040
Study programme: Nanotechnology and Advanced materials | P3972
Course: Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials | 3942V006