Lectures and Debates with Prof. Anna Odrowąż-Coates
21. April 2023The staff of the Department of School Education of the Faculty of Humanities of TBU in Zlín are delighted to invite students and academics to attend the lectures and debates held by Prof. Anna Odrowąż-Coates, currently the Vice-Rector for Development at the Maria Grzegorzewska University in Warsaw.
Prof. Anna Odrowąż-Coates, PhD serves as the Chairholder of The UNESCO/Janusz Korczak Chair in Social Pedagogy at the Maria Grzegorzewska University. Since October 2020 she has been holding the office of Vice-Rector in charge of international relations.
Her research work is focused on education, social inclusion, critical and social pedagogy, human rights and children’s rights. She is an experienced researcher, reviewer and team leader. Her main scientific activities include independent field research in Italy, UK, a two-year ethnographic study in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and a recent study in Portugal.
Detailed schedule of events
9 May 2023
- 9:30-11:00 – Korczak and his relevance for children’s and human rights today – public lecture (room No. 109)
- 14:00-15:30 – Language and discourse – lecture and seminar for students of pedagogical and linguistic disciplines, (room No. 109)
10 May 2023
- 14:00-15:00 – Potential participation in the UNESCO Summer School in September 2023 – debate with PhD students and early career academics at the FHS (room No. 316)
- 15:30-16:30 – Opportunities at the visiting professorship program at Maria Grzegorzewska University in Warsaw (Possible specializations include child development, social justice, social issues in education and upbringing, early intervention, mental health, social change, and challenges to sustainability.) – debate with the FHS staff (room No. 316)
Korczak and his relevance for children’s and human rights today
On the 13th of November 2004 The UNESCO / Janusz Korczak Chair in Social Pedagogy was established at Maria Grzegorzewska University in Warsaw, Poland. The Chair preserves the educational heritage of two important figures Maria Grzegorzewska (1888-1967, advocate for human rights and social inclusion, the founder of the university in 1922), and Janusz Korczak (1878-1942, patron of the Chair and advocate of children’s rights). Representing the abovementioned UNESCO Chair, I would like to provide a bit of in-depth information about Korczak’s contribution to the development of the CRC: The Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) as well as on his biography and pedagogical legacy. Moreover, I would like to provide a background on the challenges faced 100 years ago regarding the rights of children at the time Korczak developed his children’s rights philosophy well as the impact of Korczak’s ideas today. The evidence of similarities in how human rights are implemented now as compared to how they were dealt with during Korczak’s lifetime is striking.
Language and discourse
“The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.” (Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, 1921)
In this presentation, I would like to look at language and discourse, particularly how the language we use affects the way we think about ourselves and our position in the world. I’d also like to share research results from an empirical study I have carried out quite recently. As a language of global communication, English has become an element of social status and is therefore connected to the issues of inclusion and exclusion related to knowledge of this language. In privileged social groups, the position of English has changed from a foreign language to a second language, a linguistic shift with long-term consequences. The research data pertains to the cultural and individual implications of this phenomenon as reported in Poland and Portugal. A methodological framework based on institutional ethnography was used, accompanied by the concepts of “soft power” and “positioning theory.” English was shown as a new tool for social stratification with an effect on language policies which impacts people’s lives and their opportunities. Whilst critical of the neoliberal, neo-colonial and imperialistic dimensions of the hegemony of English, the author captures an original gender perspective on English as a language of opportunity, inclusion and empowerment, c.f. Anna Odrowąż-Coates’ Socio-educational Factors and the Soft Power of Language: The Deluge of English in Poland and Portugal. My interest in this topic has grown since 2017, when I joined the RC25 Language and Society Research Committee of the International Sociological Association (ISA). In 2020 I was elected Editor-in-Chief of the scientific journal Language, Discourse & Society published by ISA.
Potential participation in the UNESCO Summer School in September 2023
Future and current doctoral students as well as recent doctoral graduates will benefit in joining us for the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair International Summer School 2023, which takes place from 12-22 September 2023. Numerous various types of methodological workshops as well as publication opportunities will be presented at this event. Participation is free, although travel and accommodation expenses must be provided by the participants or their home institutions. The overall goal of the summer school is to develop an anti-discrimination research project dedicated to responding to the challenges presented by hate speech and negative discourses directed at minorities. More information can be found on 16th UNESCO JK Chair International Summer School 2023.
Although the deadline for registration has passed, 5 places can be secured for colleagues of Tomas Bata University. Written statements of interest featuring the details listed below should be sent to unescochair@aps.edu.pl.
I write to indicate my interest in the forthcoming summer school 2023.
Contact details: …
Academic title or the highest degree: …
Affiliation: University of …
Research field: …
Research interests: …Acknowledgement: I acknowledge that I commit to taking part in the summer school and to filling in the evaluation form at the end of the programme. I acknowledge that to receive a fellowship certificate I should engage in all activities, including research tasks during the summer school. I am aware that the organizers do not cover travel, accommodation, subsistence, health insurance or VISA costs, but the organizers can provide a letter of invitation and confirmations as required in the VISA process. I declare that I will obtain appropriate health insurance for the duration of my travel and my stay.
Signature including Name and Family Name …
Opportunities at the visiting professorship program at Maria Grzegorzewska University in Warsaw
Possible specializations include child development, social justice, social issues in education and upbringing, early intervention, mental health, social change, and challenges to sustainability.
To obtain the status of Visiting Professor in Poland, academics interested in the exchange should provide a copy of their PhD certification (or verification of higher classification), following which they should carry out 60 hours of tuition at our university online or in person. Applicants should hold the position of Full Professor, Associate Professor or Assistant Professor (or national equivalents) at their home university. The themes of the seminars are quite diverse and can be adapted to the specialization of the professor in question.
The themes center around child development, social justice, social issues in education and upbringing, early intervention, mental health (especially in children and youth), social change, and challenges to sustainability. In addition, other related options are available, and the syllabus remains flexible in order to reflect the predisposition and the field of research of the visiting professor. A specific course of study can also be arranged. The scholar should work within the fields of education, sociology, psychology, or political science, i.e. in a discipline related to the psychological, social, or educational sciences.
The arrangement for the educational stay is 60 teaching hours of 45 minutes each. The stated amount of teaching hours is a legal requirement from the Polish government to confirm the visiting professorship status.
The pay is quite modest for Israeli visitors, as it is set at 140 PLN an hour before tax (approx. 30 euros). The income is untaxed if a certificate of tax residence in another country is produced. [Written documentation of all legal and financial matters is standard operating procedure in Poland.]
We would warmly welcome you to Poland to work with our students and staff in person. In addition, it is possible to combine online and in situ cooperation, or to work with us completely online.
We can provide basic accommodation near our campus for the duration of stay (usually 2-4 weeks) at a very low rate of 5 euro a night in a basic professorial en suite room near our campus. On the other hand, we are unable to reimburse participants for the costs of flights, VISA or subsistence, although the pay should easily cover most of these costs, or the individual may receive funding from their home institution or from another grant.
Once we have agreed on the details and terms of cooperation with the participant, letters of invitation and confirmation of the contract will be provided.
If interested please contact: ksoszynska@aps.edu.pl; internationaloffice@aps.edu.pl