Design Depths: Exhibition of Projects by the Industrial Design Studio at BADW24
16. October 2024We would like to invite you to attend the exhibition of the Industrial Design Studio called Design Depths, organized as part of the international festival of contemporary design “Bratislava Design Week” from 16 to 20 October 2024.
This year’s theme is relationships. The Design Depths project focuses on exploring relationships between objects in latent space, a direction that new advances in artificial intelligence have helped to open up.
The exhibition combines audiovisual projections and physical objects created over the years in the Industrial Design Studio. The Design Depths project is the result of interdisciplinary cooperation between the Faculty of Multimedia Communications and the Faculty of Applied Informatics of Tomas Bata University in Zlín.
For more information visit the website of the project: designdepths.fmk.utb.cz.