Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně

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Wildflower Meadows

Wildflower meadows are not just an aesthetic element that adds to the natural beauty of TBU’s surroundings. This feast for the eyes brings much more than just visual pleasure.

  • Supporting biodiversity – Meadows provide an important home for a wide range of insects, including pollinators such as bees and butterflies. These tiny creatures are essential for the proper functioning and health of our ecosystems.
  • Improving soil quality – A diverse root system helps retain water, thus reducing the risk of erosion. Meadows also enrich the soil with nutrients necessary for plant growth. This makes the soil more fertile and better structured, which benefits not only the plants but also all the organisms that live there.
  • Easy to maintain – Unlike lawns, which require frequent mowing, fertilising and watering, wildflower meadows require minimal maintenance. They only need mowing two or three times a year.
  • Low growing requirements – Wildflower meadows are very adaptable. They thrive in a variety of soil types and can be planted in relatively small areas. This means that even small spaces can be transformed into beautiful and ecologically beneficial meadows.

Our meadows

Kráska (Beauty)

In our wildflower meadow we have planted a mesophytic grass-herb mixture KRÁSKA, which contains 59 plant species such as AGRIMONY, YARROW, SAGE, OREGANO, SILWERWEED, ST. JOHN’S WORT, LINSEED, CARAWAY and others. The KRÁSKA mix produces rich, colourful flowering vegetation. Its composition is reminiscent of a foothill meadow. Its use ensures not only the expected increase in biodiversity, but also sufficient fodder for livestock. It is suitable for use at higher altitudes and in the countryside.


Grasses (70%), herbs (25%) and clover plants (4,7%)

Faculties and departments
