Rector Visited Children in TBU Nursery School
13. December 2023A visit by the Rector to the TBU Nursery School has become a fixture of the pre-Christmas period. It thus comes as no surprise that Prof. Milan Adámek, Rector of TBU, accompanied by Dr. Martina Juříková, Vice-Rector for Internal and External Relations, Ing. Silvie Vodinská, Bursar of TBU, and other representatives of the University paid a visit to the children in the TBU Nursery School on Monday, 11 December 2023.
“The meeting of all children, including the Nursery School staff, took place in the ‘Rainy Classroom’. During the visit, we sang Christmas carols together, thus creating the right festive atmosphere, and wished each other ‘Happy Holidays’. At the end, Prof. Adámek prepared a pleasant surprise for the children. He showed them a peregrine falcon, which he regularly trains,” described Mgr. Hana Forstová, Director of the TBU Nursery School. Children were gifted books by the TBU management board members, and in return, they painted pictures for the visitors.