Researchers’ Night at TBU in Zlín – Escape Games, AI Paintings, Concerts and More Events
27. September 2023What is elephant’s toothpaste? What micro world does the human body contain? What are the secrets of virtual reality? All this and more can attendees to the Researchers’ Night at TBU in Zlín learn about on 6 October 2023. The Researchers’ Night takes place throughout the Czech Republic on this day. Almost eighty organizers from universities, observatories, research centres and other scientific institutions have prepared a programme focusing on science. Before the Researchers’ Night, a Pub Quiz about related topics will take place on Monday, 2 October.
SECRET has been chosen as the topic of this year’s Researchers’ Night – and it is no secret that, this year again, Tomas Bata University has prepared a wide-ranging programme for both great and small do-it-yourselfer and researchers.
Attendees can look forward to demonstrations and experiments from all scientific fields pursued at TBU – from polymers, the environment, robots and virtual reality to arts, economics and humanities. In addition, they can experience the “Science Café” series of lectures, a section of the so-called “Pecha Kucha” short presentations, screenings of films shown before at the current edition of the Academia Film Olomouc festival, workshops in laboratories, an exhibition of works of art created by artificial intelligence as well as take an opportunity to paint or write fairy tales with the assistance of AI.
“It is the sixteenth edition of the Researchers’ Night held in Zlín – the programme of the event has always been primarily focused on children. However, for several years now, we have been trying to add such items to the programme that would be entertaining for the 15+ audience, i.e. for secondary school and university students, their parents, grandparents, in short, for the general public. We would like the parents not to be just the accompanying persons for their children, but to enjoy the event as well. Therefore, the programme comprises workshops held in laboratories, lectures and debates with scientists as well as screenings of films shown before at the current edition of the Academia Film Olomouc festival,” says Iva Čermáková, event coordinator.
Even younger visitors will have a good time there as the TGM Grammar School, the Experimentarium based in Otrokovice and the ROBOTA creative workshop have prepared a wide-ranging programme for them. Little do-it-yourselfer will have a chance for example, to work with a laser cutter, wear special drunk goggles, make elephant’s toothpaste or sit on a fakir’s chair. A completely new feature in the programme are two escape games – in one of them, the players will uncover the secrets of the TBU Library, the other one is intended for language enthusiasts who want to test their knowledge of English. The highlight of the night will be a concert by the Czech-Slovak jazz and blues legend Peter Lipa and his band held in the atrium of the TBU Rectorate.
“This year we have prepared a bonus for the attendees – a pub quiz. It will take place in the Student Club in the Residence Hall on Štefánikova Street before the Researchers’ Night starts, on Monday, 2 October. Participants will have to respond to the usual 56 questions during 5 rounds. They can win special prizes sponsored by the organizers of the Researchers’ Night. The teams will also have a chance to compare their results with competitors in other cities,” adds Iva Čermáková.
The Researchers’ Night programme will take place in the building of the Faculty of Technology and, for the first time, also in the TBU Rectorate building. All information about the programme is available on the nocvedcu.cz website. Entry to Peter Lipa’s concert will be free for all attendees, similarly as to the rest of the Researchers’ Night.