Zlín-Based and Israeli Researchers to Discuss Application of Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture
9. May 2023From 9 to 11 May, a meeting with representatives of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Ben Gurion University of the Negev will take place at the Faculty of Applied Informatics of Tomas Bata University in Zlín, with focus on the application of artificial intelligence in the agricultural sector. The aim of the working visit is to support excellent international cooperation, transfer of knowledge in the field of intelligent robotic agriculture and the use of artificial intelligence and data analysis for the detection of health anomalies or harvest prediction in greenhouse systems.
The working meeting to be held at the Faculty of Applied Informatics will feature specialized presentations informing about scientific and research activities in the field of international research. Trends and business requirements, including the importance of global cooperation, will be the topics of papers by Dr. Girstlová and by Delana Mikolášová, a Scientific and R&D Diplomat in Israel. Presentations by experts, Professor Ittai Herrmann (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) and Professor Yuval Pinter (Ben Gurion University of the Negev) and their teams, will focus on the use of artificial intelligence in image analysis and in models associated with understandable machine intelligence examples – natural speech. A lecture on modern trends will be given by the Chairman of the Forecasting Club of the Czech Management Association, Dr. Štědroň.
Tomas Bata University will be represented by the platform of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the Faculty of Applied Informatics with its specialized presentations. The whole meeting will offer an extensive expert discussion and the auspices of the Czech-Israeli Chamber of Commerce.
“The output of the working session organized by the Department of Informatics and Artificial Intelligence shall be the sharing of expertise and building the prerequisites for subsequent transfer of knowledge to practice and a specific teaching process in areas of applied informatics,” says Pavel Vařacha, Ph.D., a technology expert with experience from specialized university departments based in the USA and in Japan and the executive manager of the expert meeting.
“Technology transfer and cooperation with key global institutions is the main driving force for knowledge growth, which, at the same time, builds global awareness of the Tomas Bata University brand as well as of the potential of the city of Zlín and of the Zlín Region,” adds Professor Roman Jašek, Head of the Department of Informatics and Artificial Intelligence and the scientific supervisor of the event.
The agenda of the working meetings also comprises a meeting held at the Regional Authority of the Zlín Region, a tour of the Bata skyscraper, a visit to the synagogue in Holešov and the Jewish cemetery with the grave of the famous Rabbi Shakh.