Graphic Design Students Devise Wrappers for KOFILA Bars
2. February 2023A challenge for graphic designers has been held to mark the 100th anniversary of production of the popular Czech KOFILA chocolate bar, through cooperation with the Graphic Design Studio of the Faculty of Multimedia Communications at the TBU. The manufacturer of KOFILA chocolate bars set young artists the task of creating original packaging for the product, which has a coffee-flavoured filling. Almost eighty original designs were submitted, out of which the seven most interesting were selected. Wrappers featuring these can now be found in shops.
The students came up with images not only inspired by the combination of ingredients in a KOFILA bar – coffee and chocolate, but also designs by Zdeněk Rykr or those dating from when the bar was created. Seven wrappers have been produced, one for every day of the week, each bearing the name of the student responsible for the packaging.
“The fact that wrappers with my name on it are in stores all over the Czech and Slovak Republics is a strong motivation for me. A friend of mine often sends me photos of the KOFILA packaging I devised,” said Ivan Večerek, whose creation was picked as the best. The image clearly shows the KOFILA branding, alongside the Orion star, and emphasizes the number 100 which refers to the anniversary. He employed lino printing for his design.